“Charming and unpretentious – Out in the Styx is a homely guesthouse, with the supremely magical Sanctuary Mountain in its backyard”
Fancy an unhurried, peaceful ride through gently rolling countryside, with excellent seal beneath the wheel and barely any traffic? Then check out this fantastic cyclist haven.
The roads surrounding Out in the Styx & Maungatautari are scenic, bereft of vehicles and sufficiently up and down to give you a workout.
For those of you seeking a mountain biking experience, the Waikato River Trail just 5kms away offers a dedicated track for varying skill levels. This includes a stop at the lookout over the Hydro Dam & a chance to walk on the swing bridge, just a stroll away from the delightful Rhubarb Café in the small village of Arapuni.
Cambridge and its Avantidrome are a draw card for cycling enthusiasts, whether you wish to give it a whirl or just admire the talent. The Te Awa Trail from Karapiro to the Avantidrome is mostly concreted and makes for easy cycling.
Pickups and drop offs can be organised to help those wishing to tick off the Te Awa, Hauraki, Waikato River and Timber Trails. If you are a visitor to NZ and need advice or wish to have us arrange you’re cycling adventure, we have a licensed van to collect you from the airport and the knowledge and expertise to plan each cycling day with a drop off plus collection service.
Make your base here and let us look after you and your gear, great homemade meals and a spa all part of the experience. Come and enjoy!
Follow the mighty Waikato River as it wends through changing natural landscapes and a series of handsome old hydropower dams.
This stretch of New Zealand’s longest river is punctuated by elegant dams and tranquil hydro-lakes as it flows through the North Island’s rural heartland, close to State Highway 1. Featuring picturesque scenery, birdlife, industrial architecture and other diverting sights, this journey is further enriched by ecological restoration and community spirit.
Riding the trail
The Waikato River Trails comprise five sections ranging from easy to expert, across terrain sometimes smooth and gently undulating, at others steeper and more rugged. Multiple access points and local shuttle services allow for rides of various lengths and levels of difficulty.
The trail sticks close to the Waikato River the whole way, and can be ridden in either direction. Cyclists completing the whole trail can stop overnight in lakeside campsites and lodges, or arrange shuttles to transport them to other accommodation nearby.
There are plenty of day rides. A deservedly popular option starts at Rhubarb Cafe in Arapuni, where bikes can be hired for an easy 26km return ride alongside Lake Karapiro. Highlights include an historic pedestrian bridge suspended above a handsome hydropower station, plus regenerating wetlands and peaceful waterside reserves.
The two southernmost sections along the Whakamaru and Maraetai hydro-lakes combine for a memorable one-day adventure. Starting beside the imposing rocky knob known as Mt Pohaturoa, the intermediate-level trail flows through forest and open terrain offering ever-changing views of the lakes and dams.
View trail map here.